The App
Pictures by @TheGernands
Hey beautiful! Just wanted to let you know that you can now shop my Instagram posts!! If you like an article of clothing that I have on in a photo you can now buy that exact piece of clothing. All you have to do is download the app, screenshot my photo on Instagram and there you have it!! My post will show up on the app and you can shop it from there, if you actually follow me on the app then all you have to do is like my photos for them to pop up on the app and you can shop right away without taking a screenshot!!
Another option, if you do not want to download the app is to just check out my website and shop the post on here! On each post, there will be a 'shop the post' widget at the bottom of the page where it has all the pieces of clothing! There you have it! It is that easy, I hope you guys enjoy shopping my feed from now on!
*Photography by @TheGernands Facebook Page