Single on Valentine's Day? Here Are 10 Things You Can Do + My Favorite Bridgerton Quotes
Dearest Readers,
“The social season is upon us.” Being single on Valentine’s Day can be a tad bit dreadful. Everyone is celebrating with their significant other, posting what they got for Valentine’s Day. Some of your friends will be posting their engagements, wedding, or pregnancy announcements. Posting beautiful couples and family photos. The list goes on!! Even though being single on Valentine’s Day has its cons, it still has its pros. Use this day to give yourself some much-needed self-love!! The key to being happy in a relationship is first able to love yourself when you’re alone and to be able to do that; you need to spend a lot of time in solitude and figure out what you enjoy and are passionate about. So here are 10 things you can do if you’re single on Valentine’s, plus my favorite quotes from Netlix’s Bridgerton. Remember, “just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love.” -Daphne
10 Things To Do If You’re Single On Valentine’s Day
Have A Photoshoot
Okay, other people are posting their couple photos and what they got for Valentine’s Day. So what?! Take some bomb ass pictures, put on a cute outfit that makes you feel amazing on the outside and inside!! Set up a tripod, or ask a friend to take your photos. Pose for the camera, love on yourself, show all of your right sides. You can be as extra as you want to be when it comes to giving and showing yourself some love. People have made this type of thing into a selfish thing; no, give yourself all the love you need. When you’re done, post the pictures or save them!! If you feel good, then it doesn’t matter, but sometimes your friends and family would like to see that you’re doing well, and they will definitely hype you up by giving you lots of likes and compliments. It’s not good to have an obsession seeking validation by receiving likes and comments, but there are times where we do need them to boost up our mood and confidence. Also, if anyone says anything wrong, they hate the fact that you love yourself proudly!! “Flawless my dear.” — Queen CharlottePray/Manifest
I know you’re thinking, I do this every day. Well, some of you might, others may not. I want you to take an amount of time out of your day to really pray and Thank God, or whoever you pray to, since we all have different beliefs, and that’s okay. Pray and thank them for everything you do have and manifest the things you want to have. And I’m not just talking about materialistic things. There are nonphysical and worldly things you may want to have in life, like confidence, a positive mindset, resilience, etc. "One finds oneself in such an incredible position, and, well, one should declare it... assuredly, fervently, loudly." — Penelope
After praying and manifesting for things, write down what exactly you’re thankful for. Write down how you feel at the moment. Write down the steps you will take to make the things you manifested into reality because you have to work towards those things; they won’t just magically happen. You’ve probably already written down your new year goals; if you haven’t done it, do it and if you have, write down monthly and weekly goals. “Of all bitches dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine.” — Lady Whistledown
Take Yourself Out On A Date
I haven’t done this in a while and should; usually, I take my daughter with me if I go out to eat now. I would go to the movies by myself pre-covid times, cries a little. Anyway, after my short date, I would feel so much better. So go out to dinner, or grab some coffee. You can literally sit outside and soak up the sun. I know it’s wintertime so if it’s too cold to do that where you are, go to a spa instead! “Is it awful that I’m enjoying it?” — Daphne Bridgerton
Buy Something Sexy
Buy some sexy lingerie or a dress. Do your makeup if you want to. If you’re a man, get your hair cut, buy a suit or a nice casual outfit. Anything that will make yourself look put together. I want you to model in the mirror and say affirmations. Talk to your reflection and say all the things that you love. I did this when I started feeling very insecure about my body from my weight gain and having a mom body. This type of body isn’t going anywhere unless I get surgery, haha. So, buying lingerie and modeling it in front of my mirror has been such a confidence booster! Touching and rubbing on the areas that need that extra love. Love on each corner of your body; your body is your temple. Talk to it and love it as if you would talk to and love a plant or a child. "Every scar, every flaw, every imperfection... I love you." — Daphne
Give back to the community or a charity that you love. There are many ways to give. You can give without spending money since I know that we are still in a tough time, so some might not have the funds to give. Whenever I give, I feel excellent. I know I have done something that will help someone. It’s always better to give instead of receive. Please do it from your heart, and not because you expect something in return. A lot of people are excited for Valentine’s Day because they expect something from their significant other. You can also always give to family members, like your grandparents, parents, aunts, etc. People that seem like they need a little love and care lately. “Why must our only options be to squawk and settle or to never leave the nest? What if I want to fly?” — EloiseRelax
Kick up your feet, pop some popcorn and binge your favorite shows or read a book. Valentine’s Day is on Sunday, so you should really take this time to relax. Get a box of chocolates or chocolate-covered strawberries, whatever you enjoy that would make you feel better. If you’re on any diet or workout regimen, let this be your cheat day. Take a bubble bath or a long shower, do something you don’t usually do, like light candles, use a bath bomb, body scrub, play music, or listen to an audiobook/podcast. You can always get comfy in bed and get some much-needed rest as well. “There is nothing you cannot do.” — Lady Violet Bridgerton
There are multiple ways to invest in yourself. It’s good to buy nice things like a designer bag, a suit, a lovely wig, jewelry. Those things are most definitely investments because they are not cheap and would make us feel good. However, let’s invest in something that can come in handy later or become fruitful and multiply. Life insurance, a passport, an LLC, your kid’s education, pay off debt, emergency fund, stocks, real estate, retirement plan, classes to learn new skills, to name a few things. Doing this will surely make you feel great. Invest time and money into yourself. "We Should Both Aspire To Be Just Like Her. Unmarried, And Earning Our Own Money." — EloiseSpend Time With Someone
Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you need to spend Valentine’s Day alone. Spend it with your family, your friends. For me, I will be spending it with my child, even though I spend every day with her, but this day I will shower her will extra love and care! Since we should always shower our loved ones with love every day in some shape or form. Valentine’s Day is just a day to give a little bit more affection and attention. You can also hop on a dating site, since it’s hard meeting people right now thanks to covid and set up a date with someone or slide into someone’s DM that you know is single, and you’ve had your eye on them for some time. When you’re single, it’s your time to mingle. There’s nothing wrong with dating and figuring out what you want in a partner. Some people focus on one person, and others pull a Lori Harvey and date many suitors, do what you feel is best for you! “Why settle for a Duke when you can have a Prince?” — Queen Charlotte
Yes, dear reader, I went there! Do as the Duke of Hastings, Simon said, “When you are alone, you may touch yourself. Anywhere on your body, that gives you pleasure, but especially between your legs.” Buy yourself a nice toy, Amazon has a few, and if you have Amazon Prime, it should get there by Valentine’s Day, or if not, there’s no expiration date on when you can use it! Many women complain that they have difficulties reaching climax, saying they’ve never had an orgasm because men don’t know what they’re doing. Trust me, I’ve been there before, but knowing your body and telling your partner what gets you going will help a lot! However, a guy can’t possibly know what screws to turn unless you know yourself! Simon continues, “And when you find a feeling you particularly enjoy, you can carry on with that. Until the feeling grows, and eventually you reach a pinnacle, a release.” If you haven’t been sexually active for a while, that energy builds up and can screw up your sacral chakra. It will throw your balance off. Your overall mood can be affected by this built-up energy. So it’s good to release some of that energy so that you can feel rejuvenated afterward.
“All is fair in love and war, but some battles leave no victor, only a trail of broken hearts that makes us wonder if the price we pay is ever worth the fight. ”
Self-love is extremely important. It might seem very easy to love yourself, but it can be quite hard. A lot of people go through life being teased and talked down to, comparing themselves to others, or being the black sheep of the family. So for some, it might be easy but for others, it can take a lifetime to find self-love. Hopefully, you’ll do one of these activities on Valentine’s Day, and if not, that’s fine. You can do these tasks any day!! When you feel that you are able to love yourself more, then you’re ready to love someone else but remember you can always date while learning to love yourself because self-love is a forever journey and with the right group of people in our lives, we can learn to love ourselves even more. Thanks for reading and ta-ta for now!