Love is not a simple task people learn to give or receive. Learning to love does not happen overnight. Multiple experiences can change a person's ability to receive and give love. People never know what someone goes through in life which is why it's best to always lead with love. However, it’s not always that easy and it damn sure isn’t easy loving yourself.
Read More“Well shit, how y’all doing?” - Leslie Jordan. Want to know how I’m doing? One day I am happy, then the next, I am sad, and another, I am in a cloud letting the wind drift me to where I need to go since I am confused about where I’m supposed to be and my purpose in this world. Why did God place me here? Why did my soul choose to be here during this time? Some people know exactly what they’re supposed to be doing in life. While others, like myself, it takes us some time to get to that point.
Read More“The social season is upon us.” Being single on Valentine’s Day can be a tad bit dreadful. Everyone is celebrating with their significant other, posting what they got for Valentine’s Day. Some of your friends will be posting their engagements, wedding, or pregnancy announcements. Posting beautiful couples and family photos. The list goes on!! Even though being single on Valentine’s Day has its cons, it still has its pros. Use this day to give yourself some much-needed self-love!! The key to being happy in a relationship is first able to love yourself when you’re alone and to be able to do that; you need to spend a lot of time in solitude and figure out what you enjoy and are passionate about. Remember, “just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love.” -Daphne
Read MoreHappy February, the month to spread the love! Valentine’s Day is only a few days away. I know some of us are starting new relationships, some are ending them, while others are trying to keep the spark or rekindling them. Since there’s still a pandemic going on, it can be hard to keep the love alive or to date. Today, I want to share 100 date ideas that you can do with anyone, even during a pandemic, if you socially distance and wear a mask. However, of course, there will be some very safe pandemic options if you’re still quarantining, and if you are, good job for taking this pandemic seriously! Also, remember to nurture all types of relationships, not just romantic ones!
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